English 2024年5月19日
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Sino-ASEAN Tokamak Fusion Physics and Engineering Training Courses

Time: March, 2024

Venue: Hefei, Anhui

Working Language: English


As an ideal new energy for the future humankind, nuclear fusion energy is of great significance for the future sustainable development of humankind. Nuclear fusion research is the research facing the world’s scientific and technological frontier. This course is dedicated to training master’s and doctoral students in the field of plasma and fusion science in Thailand and the ASEAN region, aiming to help Thailand and the ASEAN region to develop and improve the knowledge in the field of fusion and plasma physics, assist the ASEAN region to build its own nuclear fusion research center, and vigorously develop nuclear fusion technology.


The courses of this training will focus on plasma physics, tokamak and the basic theories of nuclear fusion, which includes physics and engineering of nuclear fusion research device, China and World’s current nuclear fusion device research and the industrial and medical applications of plasma.

Organizer: Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Address: 350 Shushanhu Road, P.O. Box 1126, Hefei, Anhui, China

Postcode: 230031

Coordinator: WU Sha

Tel: 0086-551-65591064

Fax: 0086-551-65591270

E-mail: wusha@ipp.ac.cn

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