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Training Workshop on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction for ASEAN Countries

October, 2016

Nanning, China

Working Language: Chinese, English


The aim is to promote talent exchange and training of China and ASEAN countries, and explore collectively the methods and channels of standardized cooperation of energy conservation and emission reduction.


1. Standardized general situation and basic knowledge of energy conservation and emission reduction of China;
2. Standardized practice, strategy and management method of solar photovoltaics and biomass energy in China;
3. Standardized technical standards of energy conservation and emission reduction;
4. Visit the circular economy demonstration zone in China; 
5. The standardized situation of solar energy and biomass energy of China and ASEAN countries.


Guangxi Institute of Standards and Technology
Address: 9th Building, 22nd Xinghu Road, Nanning, P. R. China 
Postcode: 530022
Coordinator: Zhou Zhiquan 
Tel: 86-771-5322169
Fax: 86-771-5360333
E-mail: zzq@gxqts.gov.cn
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