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International Training Workshop on Digital Medical Imaging Equipment

September, 2016

Shenyang, China

Working Language: English


The aim is to help the related doctors and engineers to understand the principle, structure, feature, clinical application and system operation of the digital medical systems (especially newly developed equipment); to improve the international friendship and move forward the health level for the trained counties.


1. Principle, structure, performance and clinical application for CT CT、MRI、X-Ray、US、PET-CT、RT products;
2. Clinical application for all parts of body.(radio diagnostics);
3. Operation for CT、MRI、X-Ray、US、PET-CT、RT products.


Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd.
Address: No.16, Shiji Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang 110179, P. R. China 
Postcode: 110179
Coordinator: Julie Ju 
Tel: 86-24-83665402
Fax: 86-24-83663446
E-mail: juli@neusoft.com
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