English 2024年5月19日
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International Training Workshop on Biopharmaceutical Industrialization Development Trend

July, 2017   

Tonghua, Jilin, China   

Working Language: English   


The aim is to disseminate and demonstrate the achievements, level and experience of technology development in China, share our development experience of biopharmaceutical industrialization with Southeast Asia and South Asia countries, and promote the communication and cooperation in biopharmaceutical industrialization as well as the technological and economic combination of the enterprises, in order to achieve a common development of science, technology and economy between China and these countries.   


1. Biopharmaceutical industrialization development trend;

2. Problems existing in the biopharmaceutical industrialization of developing countries;

3. Rely on the past experience to solve the biopharmaceutical industrialization problems for the developing countries;

4. Industry international cooperation models and principles of choosing international cooperation model;

5. Introduction to the biopharmaceutical industrialization experience of Tonghua Dongbao pharmaceutical Co., Ltd;

6. Introduction to the concept of product innovation.   


Tonghua Dongbao Biotech Co., Ltd

Address: Tonghua county, Jilin Province, P.R. China

Postcode: 134100

Coordinator: Chang Xiaohui 

Tel: 86-435-5051719

Fax: 86-435-5051777

E-mail: cxh0817@yeah.net


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